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Questionnaires Results and Comments

Path-Goal Leadership Questionnare Result

Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire 


From the results, we can see that among the four main behaviours or leadership styles, my strongest one is achievement-oriented behaviour, which is also above the common score. The rest of my scores are all considered common scores, but my supportive style is my weakest one.


In the future, I need to be more aware of my leader behaviours with different followers in different situations. In terms of the Path-Goal theory, I will need to clarify the paths to the goals and to help remove or help followers navigate the obstacles to these goals. More specifically, what I can do is considering the task requirements and thinking about which of the four leadership behaviour is best suited for it, rather than starting a new project right away. I should also distinguish which of my followers respond most favourably to each type of style and make notes of it. 


Gender-Leader Implicit Association Test 


After subtracting the time it took to complete Trial A from the time to complete Trial B, my score is negative, which reflects an unbiased association between gender and leadership roles.  

​First of all, I am glad that I received such results. As a leader, I will embrace gender equality and select leaders based on their individual competencies but not their gender. However, it is not enough to possess an unbiased association between gender and leadership, in order to help promote women in leadership roles, I should also try to influence others who may have a bias against women leaders to see them in a positive light.


Followership Questionnaire 


Since both my Independent Thinking score and Active Engagement score in the middle range (from 20 to 40), my followership style is categorized as a pragmatist.

I think this questionnaire helps me reflect on both my followership style but also understand my followers. Although sometimes I offer to do extra work or complete a task, I seldom take initiatives or aggressive moves. In order to become an exemplary follower, I will need to be more confident to offer to complete a task or lead the effort to complete a goal; become more engaged with my organization by improving one aspect of the organization that interests me; and, one thing I find myself already doing is to create a relationship with a passive or conformist follower and ​mentor that person to become a better follower. 




To conclude from the four questionnaires and test results, as a leader, I am authentic, and I embrace gender equality. When it comes to identifying the paths to the goals and helping remove obstacles for my followers, I tend to demonstrate an achievement-oriented style. As a follower, I am a pragmatist who usually adhere to a motto of "better safe than sorry."

Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment  

All four components of my authentic leadership score in the high ranges, with the internalized moral perspective and relational transparency slightly higher than the other two.

There are several activities regarding improving the four areas that I find particularly interesting and I would love to do in the future. One is to apply my self-awareness to my leadership roles by defining what success means to me in my personal, family, work, and community areas of my life. It is also crucial to seek out friends or trusted colleges who can be brutally honest with me about my shortcomings and hold me accountable for my actions. Other than reflecting on my values, I should also cultivate positive attributes such as confidence, hope, optimism and resilience, which can enhance my ability to act on my values. Practice mindfulness, the ability to be in the moment is what I have been trying to improve, I didn't realize that it can also help me with balanced processing as well. Also, I should communicate with my mentors more, nowadays, it means to take initiatives to talk to them online. Finally, as a person that is willing to be open and honest with others, I need to consider how can I be a trusty person that someone else will feel the same level of safety and support from me.

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